Monday, April 30, 2012

Writing, Sharks, and Love...

Tonight I wrote my guy a short little story about a shark named Louie. Now, it isn't going to be a Caldecott Medal winner or anything, but it was fun to just sit down and write without really any pretense. I had started it last night, but I fell asleep with the Mac in my lap and didn't get much farther than Louie and San Fransisco harbor. The premise of the story was pretty predictable. Louie and his friend Teddy go off hunting but get separated. Louie spends the night alone until his Mom comes and saves him right before he almost gets trapped by a fisherman. Nothing spectacular, but see, that wasn't the point.

The point is, I need to be doing writing exercises (point one.) I need to make myself write stories and blog more and get over the idea that writing in my novel is enough. The only way my book is going to be any good is if I dig in and spend MOST of my day writing something. So get ready internet, you might be hearing a whole lot from me. Not that I care really... I'm writing this blog for me. I mean, don't get me wrong, if someone actually comes along and reads this and it makes them think or smile or even just laugh at how crazy my a$$ is - awesome! But really... I'm doing this to break out of my shell a bit, get more comfortable behind the keyboard again, and build some confidence in myself - NOT to please the masses.

That is point one... Point two, and in my mind the most important point, is that writing stories like this for him is a really great way of reminding him how much I love him, and keeping us close while the distance is still there. I've only got about a year to go (give or take some weeks) and since we have been together for five already, I think I can handle it. Still, it wears on us both... Some days I can feel every single one of the 400 something miles, and I know he can too. Skype, Yahoo, endless amounts of text messages, phone calls, and even writing silly little stories helps us connect and shorten those miles so that we end up being more connected in our hearts than most people are that sit beside one another on the sofa and watch TV. In our hearts there is no distance. In our hearts we are one, no concept of where one ends and the other begins.

So I think I will keep writing him stories. I will keep feeding the inner little boy that I adore and can see in his eyes. I will keep trying to fill the cracks that have been left by those who came before me, to heal the hurt. I will make shark shaped chocolate chip cookies, Jaws underwear, and write Louie stories all of my days if that's what it takes. That, internet, is love.

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